If you enjoyed the Twelve Days of Thanksgiving activity Rebecca posted, you may also enjoy this Christmas writing activity! Encourage your children to keep a journal entitled “Twelve Days of Christmas Meditations.” The idea is for them to write about a different topic each day, reflecting on God’s goodness in all the different gifts He has given us. Ultimately, these reflections should lead them to our most precious gift, His Son who laid down His life for us. Feel free to use these topic suggestions or come up with your own; the possibilities are endless! You can even use this printable visual as a writing prompt for each day.
“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Lord God gave to me . . . ”
One Only Begotten Son
What better way to start this journal than by thanking God for His unspeakable gift, our Lord Jesus Christ? Find some prophecies about Him in the Old Testament and how they were fulfilled in the New Testament.
Two Testaments
We can also praise God for giving us His complete and perfect Word. Explain how Jesus is the central theme in both the Old and New Testaments.
Three Talents
God has graciously given us different skills and abilities. Choose three talents the Lord has blessed you with, and write how you can use them for His glory.
Four Glad Seasons
Write about your favorite aspects of each season of the year and how each one points us to our Creator.
Five Bible Servants
List your choices for the top five individuals in Scripture, and explain why they are your favorites.
Six Precious Verses
Write out six Bible verses that have special meaning to you. If you just can’t limit yourself to six, feel free to list more!
Seven Special Creatures
Praise the Lord today for seven of His most unique mammals, insects, birds, fish, reptiles, or amphibians—any creature you find amazing or interesting. Again, you don’t have to choose just seven!
Eight Promises Given
Write down eight of God’s precious promises given to us in His Word.
Nine Faithful Heroes
Make a list of nine people who have made an impact for Christ and on your life as well. Write a short explanation of why you included each one. They can be missionaries, evangelists, pastors, or anyone else who has affected your life either in the past or in the present.
Ten Fingers and Toes
Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.” Spend some time in your journal today praising God for how He created your body and reflect on how you can use it to serve and glorify Him.
Eleven Carols Ringing
So many carols, so little time! Write down eleven Christmas carols you enjoy singing at this time of year; see if you can find some “new” old ones you’ve never heard before and try to learn them with your family.
Twelve Favorite Things
God has so richly blessed us with all kinds of things! List a dozen of your favorites, and spend some time thanking the Lord for them. Examples include a favorite toy, book, stuffed animal, souvenir, food, article of clothing, and so on.
As your children work on their journals, encourage them to think of ways they can give back to their good and gracious Giver.
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Jennifer is a pastor’s wife and mom of two young girls and loves homeschooling them. During her own twelve years of being homeschooled, Jennifer developed a passion for reading and writing. She earned a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and relishes writing during her free time.