“Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.” So goes an Asian proverb that highlights the benefits of traveling. I know there are wonderful virtual and online “tours” available, but there is magic in the words field trip. Visit a state capital. Explore a landmark, historical site, or national park, and windows to imagination and learning fly open. There are so many possibilities! Travel creates memorable learning experiences. So families frequently look for opportunities to take their children on trips. Other families live in another country long term or work internationally, and they want to keep the family together. For families both in the U.S. and homeschooling internationally, it’s a lifestyle that literally takes them places.
Millions of families have found that freedom and flexibility are appealing features of homeschooling. It’s an alternative to public or private school education with unique advantages. If you’re willing to take on the costs, planning, organization, and work of homeschooling, your family will also get the rewards. For one thing, your child’s extracurricular activities will have new, broadened horizons. You’ll no longer be limited by a physical school because you can take your lessons with you wherever you go. The portability of homeschooling is definitely an exciting plus for students and parents, no matter where they live. And then there are families that find the portability of homeschooling is perfect because they are taking it with them.
So if you’re considering homeschooling internationally, what do you need to know ahead of time? What will be different for military or missionary families compared to families who have moved for work or personal reasons? Can you legally homeschool in your destination country?
Learn about homeschooling internationally!