Since 1974, our team has been researching, writing and publishing educational products for Christian students. We’ve devoted ourselves to developing materials that are both academically challenging and biblically solid for traditional Christian schools and homeschool families in the U. S. and more than a hundred other countries.
Over those forty years, we’ve expanded our products and services. Physical Science, our first textbook, is now in its 6th edition. And we have a complete line of K-12 textbooks and teacher support materials. Many of these products are offered electronically to homeschoolers and Christian schools, complementing our Distance Learning courses online, on DVD, and on hard drive. Most recently, we’ve created an online community for teachers to create and share their lesson plans and outlines as well as this blog for offering encouragement and sharing ideas.
But the expansion of our products and services wouldn’t have been possible without the growth of our team. Behind BJU Press is a group of over 300 people—each one dedicated to Christian education. Our roles vary from making decisions, answering questions, editing chapters, filming lessons, maintaining presses and packaging boxes; but all are important. We work together for the glory of God. We are BJU Press.