I just had my third daughter. I thought I was prepared for this major life-event. I had listened patiently to all the three-children horror stories people shared with me while I was pregnant. I had anticipated the sleepless nights, the difficulty of scheduling life around feedings and naps, the piles and piles of laundry. I knew it was going to be hard. I knew life was never going to be the same again. I was right.
But somehow, change is always unpredictable. I didn’t anticipate that my newborn would be in constant danger because of two very curious and overly eager-to-help sisters. I didn’t anticipate how difficult it would be to do “normal” things like running to the store for a gallon of milk. My “bring it on” attitude quickly changed to a “take me away, please” attitude as I struggled to juggle three small children, household chores, ministry obligations, and more. Life quickly became exhausting and chaotic.
In the midst of all the upheaval, I found myself taking great comfort in the fact that God never changes. In fact, James claims that with Him there’s not even a shadow of turning. God is still the same God He has been from eternity past. He is still the same God who sent ravens to feed Elijah during a drought (1 Kings 17), who raised a widow’s son from the dead (Luke 7), and who calmed the raging sea (Matthew 8). He is still at work. He is still answering prayers. I can trust him.
Remembering truths about God stabilizes my soul during unsettling times. What truths about God are stabilizing your soul right now?
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