Few spectacles bring more joy to the Christian woman’s heart than beholding the first expressions of faith in a fellow human being. There is hardly an experience on earth to parallel, let alone exceed seeing God’s work of grace in a soul to convict, woo, soften, and finally convert.
Just as she experiences physical birth in a way a man never could, perhaps a woman’s ability to respond emotionally to someone’s new birth is heightened as well. Just when I was hungry for such a soul-refreshing view, the Lord sent Meeting Him my way.
Showing us how women looked at Jesus and how Jesus looked at them is this author’s gift. Without criticism, comparisons, scolding, or sentimentality, Meeting Him by Beneth Peters Jones shows how the radiance of even the most saintly disappears in the brightness of Christ’s perfection and how the smudges of the most tarnished can by His forgiveness take on His brilliant luster.
Perhaps, like the Canaanite woman whose daughter was demon-possessed, you cried out to the Savior in desperate need. Or maybe like the woman with the prolonged issue of blood, you approached Him timidly and reached out with a trembling hand. Are you like old Anna, who waited a long time for Him in God’s house? Or, as with the woman at the well, did He meet you in your daily routine and silence all your arguments?
What sets the sixteen vignettes in Meeting Him apart are depth and detail. Each woman in this diverse cast of gospel characters comes to life with equal vitality. Every transformation is complete, every work of grace, irreversible. And every single encounter with the Savior has a blessed ending.
With a study guide to enhance the reading experience, Meeting Him is abundantly satisfying reading for both teens and adults.
View the table of contents and the opening pages of Meeting Him.
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