A few weeks ago, I left my phone at home on a Sunday morning. I didn’t realize it until we were on the way to church. When I gasped and told my family, there was silence for a moment. Then my husband semi-facetiously said, “How will we know what to do today?”
Like most families, our calendar is jam-packed with soccer practices, music lessons, youth group activities, school projects, orthodontist appointments, and more. Meeting those obligations in a timely manner is an important life skill that I’d like my children to learn. Another goal of mine is to help them meet their obligations without any of us having to endure my endless nagging! Something that I’ve incorporated recently is the Google Calendar™ tool. My kids are in or near their teens now, so each of them has a mobile device or tablet.
In the Google Calendar™ tool, I’ve set up four different calendars—one master family calendar plus a calendar for each child. The master family calendar is for activities that the whole family needs to know about—church events, my husband’s business trips, and so forth. The individual calendars are tailored for each child (the other siblings don’t necessarily have access) and include soccer practices, homework milestones or due dates, doctor appointments, music lessons, and so on. I’ve set up alarms or reminders as needed. I’ve encouraged my kids to add their own events (and to-do items like chores and music practice) to their calendars. The various calendars have been helpful for me and for my husband too.
My two older children have done very well with the family calendar and refer to their own calendars regularly to make sure they’re prepared. My youngest still likes Mom’s personal reminders better.
What do you do to keep your schedule organized?
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Jennifer has worked at BJU Press for over twenty years. A favorite aspect of her job is talking with home educators and teachers about their experiences. Jennifer is married, with three children. She enjoys cooking for her family, and is always ready to try a new recipe.
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